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Northridge Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Treatment for Addiction & Mental Health Conditions in Northridge
One of the greatest causes of addiction relapse is the presence of underlying, co-occurring disorders, with no dual diagnosis treatment.
Treating addiction should always include assessments for underlying co-occurring disorders, especially in cases of chronic relapse. Our experienced and compassionate medical staff are highly skilled at effective dual diagnosis treatment.
As addiction treatment research has advanced over the last few decades, it has been discovered that one of the greatest causes of addiction relapse is the presence of untreated underlying mental or emotional disorders. In order to provide the greatest possible chances for success, we offer psychiatric and biopsychosocial assessments to help find underlying issues and provide effective dual diagnosis treatment.
Led by our psychiatrist and team of licensed medical professionals, we diagnose and treat the disorders that interfere with successful long-term recovery. For those who are currently taking medication for a mental or emotional disorder, our psychiatrist can help diagnose, optimize, and manage the best treatment regimen for success in recovery.
The greatest benefit of dual diagnosis treatment is relief from the disorders that cause mental and emotional struggles and barriers to recovery. If a co-occurring disorder is suspected in addition to addiction, give us a call and we can discuss potential treatment strategies for each diagnosis.
To discuss your needs with our team, contact us online or call (818) 287-0080 today.
What is partial hospitalization (PHP)?Partial Hospitalization, otherwise known as PHP, is a form of treatment that allows individuals struggling with mental health and substance abuse to continue living at home while traveling to treatment (usually 3 to 5 times a week). This outpatient program offers all of the benefits of residential treatment but allows individuals to still reside in the comfort of their homes.
How does drug addiction treatment work?
Addiction affects everyone differently. As such, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to drug addiction treatment. Instead, the process begins with a personal assessment and evaluation. During this initial meeting, our drug addiction treatment specialists ask a series of questions designed to assess an individual’s level of addiction and recovery needs. Once the assessment is complete, our specialists recommend a personalized treatment program. This program may involve a combination of proven addiction treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, family therapy, stress management, and more. Most often, our patients begin by attending treatment several days a week at one of our facilities. As they progress through recovery, the number of times they need to visit the facility for treatment may gradually decrease.
If I go to rehab, will I have to live at the rehab facility?
Whether or not you will need to live full-time at a rehab facility will depend on the specific details of your situation. For those struggling with very severe substance use disorders, inpatient (or residential) treatment may be recommended. Others, however, may benefit from an outpatient (or non-residential) rehab program.
What is outpatient treatment?
Outpatient treatment simply means that you do not live full-time at the rehab facility where you receive addiction treatment services. Instead, you visit the facility several times a week for several hours at a time to attend therapy, take part in support group meetings, and receive other treatments specifically tailored to you and your recovery. You then return home to sleep and manage outside responsibilities, such as going to school, working, or taking care of your child. Our outpatient treatment programs include Drug & Alcohol Addiction recovery along with Mental Health Disorders.

“Miracles in Action provides a warm, loving, and family feel to the recovery process. I can say that I am very fortunate to have witnessed the miracles that take place here. The management and clients' past and present continue to make this place a success. Thank you Miracles in Action for all that you do. ”
- A.M. -
“Miracles in Action offers stability and recovery. It helps you put your life back together in an environment where people are supportive of one another. I am blessed to bear witness to the miracles that have taken place here. ”
- L.W.